 - about
 - recipes
 - shrines
 - blog
 - readings
 - spirits
 + guestbook
 + profile
 - resources
 - sitemap
welcome to my horrific webbed site (A LOT IS BROKEN)

as the internet continues to enshittify itself, i decided it was important to carve out my own little corner to ramble and cry about god knows what. could i have just used a blog for this? yes and no. most blogging sites cant capture my vision the way a badly made website can >:)

best viewed on desktop, also works fine on mobile. some stuff is hidden on the mobile directory for reasons
my button here at some point

28/06/24: added guestbook and profile links. also added following pages: about, recipes, shrines. slowly adding pages to shrines & recipes but have to format it all first
26/06/24: new layout (please help me i am so indecisive)
25/06/24: layout updated again
24/06/24: first version of site uploaded. added marquees and placeholder header
21/06/24: started working on the site on codepen
19/06/24: signed up for neocities!! yayy